Users Guide

[appadmin]# network ping6 –i fe82::20c:29ff:fe7e:d3e1 –t
network ping
Use the network ping command to test the reachability of the network host.
Syntax: network ping
network ping [-i <SrcIpAddr>] [-t] <host>
The following table describes the required and optional parameters for the network ping command:
Flag/Parameter Description
-i <SrcIpAddr> Specifies the originating IP address for the ping. This field is optional.
-t Use this parameter to ping indefinitely. This field is optional.
<host> Specifies the host to be pinged.
Table 421: Network Ping Command Parameters
Example: Testing Reachability
The following example pings a network host to test the reachability:
[appadmin]# network ping i 192.168.xx.10 –t
network reset
Use the network reset command to reset the network data and management ports. You can use this
command to reset both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Syntax: network reset
network reset <data[v4|v6]/mgmt>
The following table describes the required and optional parameters for the network reset command:
Flag/Parameter Description
data [v4|v6] Specifies the name of network data port to reset, as well as whether it is an IPv4 or IPv6
address. This parameter is mandatory.
mgmt Specifies the name of network management port to reset.
Table 422: Network Reset Command Parameters
The following example resets the IPv6 network data port:
[appadmin]# network reset data v6
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide Command Line Interface | 835