Users Guide

Attribute Name Values
l Issuer-DC
l Issuer-DN
l Issuer-emailAddress
l Issuer-GN
l Issuer-L
l Issuer-O
l Issuer-OU
l Issuer-SN
l Issuer-ST
l Issuer-UID
l Subject-AltName-
l Subject-AltName-DNS
l Subject-AltName-
l Subject-AltName-
l Subject-AltName-msUPN
l Subject-AltName-
l Subject-AltName-URI
Attributes associated with the subject (user or machine, in this case) alternate
name. Not all of these fields are populated in a certificate.
Table 469: Certificate Namespace Attributes (Continued)
Connection Namespaces
The connection namespace can be used in role mapping policies to define roles based on where the protocol
request originated from and where it terminated.
Connection Namespace Editing Contexts
l Role mapping policies
l Service rules
The following table describes the Connection Namespace Pre-defined Attributes parameters:
Attribute Description
Src-IP-Address Src-IP-Address and Src-Port are the IP address and port from which the
request (RADIUS, TACACS+, etc.) originated.
Dest-IP-Address Dst-IP-Address and Dst-Port are the IP address and port at which Policy
Manager received the request (RADIUS, TACACS+, etc.).
Protocol Request protocol: RADIUS, TACACS+, WebAuth.
Table 470: Connection Namespace Pre-defined Attributes
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