Administrator Guide

If you are duplicating a configuration, the original name has a number appended to it. You may highlight
this name and replace it with a new name.
2. In the Description field, briefly describe the characteristics of the ActiveSync setting.
In the General Settings area:
1. (Required) In the ActiveSync Host field, enter the hostname or IP address of the server the device will
connect to.
2. To ensure that all communications are encrypted, select the check box in the Use SSL field.
3. In the Magic String field, enter the value to send as the "X-Apple-Config-Magic" header in each EAS HTP
4. To allow the user to move messages out of this email account into another account, select the check box in
the Allow Move field. Leave this field blank to prevent moving messages between accounts, and to prevent
forwarding or replying from other than the message's originating account.
5. To include this email account in recent address syncing, select the check box in the Allow Recent Address
Sync field.
6. To send outgoing mail from this account only from the Mail app, and prevent sending mail in third-party
applications, select the check box in the Use Only in Mail field.
In the Account Settings area:
1. (Required) Choose one of the following options from the Account Details drop-down list:
l User provided entered by user on device. This option requires the user to enter their credentials
on the device to access their email.
l Identity certificate created during provisioning. This option uses the device’s TLS client
certificate to authenticate the user. Using this option requires configuration of the ActiveSync server to
authenticate a user based on the client certificate.
l Provisioning values acquired during device provisioning.
l Shared preset values testing only. This option provides a fixed set of credentials to the device.
These settings cannot be modified for each user when provisioning a device, so it is recommended that
these settings only be used when testing Exchange integration.
2. In the Domain field, enter the domain for the account.
3. Select the appropriate option n the Email Address field. Options include Let system define, Same as
username, and Generate using username.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide Onboard | 155