Administrator Guide

292 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
Figure 61 Guest Self-Registration Workflow Diagram
The diagram shows the guest self-registration process. The solid orange arrows show the workflow for the
visitor. The dotted blue arrows show the workflow for the administrator. The blue headings in the diagram are
links to the corresponding sections of the Customize Guest Registration form. Click an icon or label in the
diagram to jump directly to the editor for that item.
To view the Visitor Registration network access form (the registration page), click the Launch this guest
registration page link in the upper-right corner. To view the self-service portal the visitor can use to log in to
their account details after registration, click the Launch self-service portal link. To view the visitor's network
access login form, click the Launch network login link.
Creating a Self-Registration Page
The Customize Guest Registration form is divided across several pages, which are displayed separately. When
you create a new registration page, the process walks you through these pages of the form one at a time. As
you complete each page of the form, you can click Save and Continue to move to the next section of the
form. At any point, you can click Save and Continue or use your browser's Back button to move back and
forth through the pages, or you can click Save Changes to exit the process and go to the self-registration
process diagram.
To create a new guest self-registration page, go to Configuration > Pages >Guest Self-Registration and
click the Create new self-registration page link. The first section of Customize Guest Registration form
opens, where you can configure basic properties and access control. The Registration Page does not exist until
you create it here.