Administrator Guide

Field Description
Edit Edit any of the template's properties.
Copy Make a copy of the template to use as a basis for a new template.
Reset to Defaults Resets the default template to its original settings if changes were made. (Only
available for the default template)
Delete Deletes the pass template. (The default Guest Receipt template cannot be deleted)
Create a new template Create a new template.
Creating and Editing a Digital Pass Template
To create or edit a digital pass template, go to Configuration > Digital Passes > Pass Templates, and then
click the Create a new template link in the upper right corner, or click the Edit link for a template in the list.
The Pass Template Settings form opens.
Defining Basic Properties
Field Description
Name Short name that identifies the template clearly. Digital pass template names can include
spaces. You may highlight this name and replace it with a new name.
Description Comments or notes about the template. This description is only seen by administrators.
Table 75: Basic Properties, Pass Template Settings
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