Administrator Guide

388 | Advertising Services Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
registration, receipt and self-service pages, and email and SMS receipts.
To work with the advertising settings for a Guest Manager page group or page, go to Configuration >
Advertising > Pages. The Edit Page list view opens.
Columns show the page group, the type of page, and the number of child pages in that group. For example, the
Guest Management page group has four child pages and the Guest Self-Registration page group has eight child
pages, as shown in the following table.
Page Group Child Pages
Guest Management Web Receipts
Download Receipt
Email Receipts
SMS Receipts
Guest Self-Registration Registration Page
Receipt Page
Receipt Download
Receipt Email
Login Page
Login Message
Receipt SMS
Self-Service :Portal
Table 94: Page Groups and Child Pages
You can click a page group in the Advertising Pages list for additional options:
Field Description
Edit Edit the advertising settings for any of the pages in the Guest Management or Self-Registration page
groups. See "Editing Advertising Pages" on page 388.
Go To Opens the corresponding area of the W-ClearPass Guest application:
For Guest Management, opens the Start page of the Guest Manager module.
For Guest Self-Registration, opens the Customize Guest Registration edit diagram.
Launch For Guest Self-Registration, opens the visitor self-registration login page in a new tab.
Table 95: Advertising Pages List
Editing Advertising Pages
In W-ClearPass Guest, advertising can be placed on registration pages, receipt and self-service pages, and email
and SMS receipts. For each of these pages, you can specify whether or not advertising will be delivered, the
advertising spaces that will be used, and the campaigns to present on the page. These settings can be applied
to all pages in a page group, or can be overridden for single pages in the group.