Administrator Guide

Parameter Names
The parameter names passed to the XML-RPC interface are the same as the field names in the HTML user
Parameter Validation
Each field of the forms in the HTML user interface is subject to validation according to the rules defined for that
field. The same rules also apply to XML-RPC parameters.
If a required field is missing, or an invalid value for a field is supplied, an error is generated by the presentation
layer and returned to the XML-RPC client.
Field Customization
Some forms in the HTML user interface are customizable. New fields may be defined (for example, stored with
a guest account) and used as part of the form in the presentation layer. Policy-based processing of fields
includes form validation, data conversion and input formatting, and user interface metadata (for example, the
list of valid options for a multiple-choice “dropdown” control).
These custom fields are automatically inherited as XML-RPC parameters, and the same policy-based processing
is applied to them.
Parameter Types
The XML-RPC specification supports a wide range of data types. The following data types are supported by the
XML-RPC presentation layer:
Data Type Description
Array Associative array using numeric keys with a 0-based index
Boolean True or false
Flag Scalar value of 0 or 1, implicitly Boolean
Integer Integer, 32-bit range
Number Numeric value, floating point OK
Scalar Non-array value
String String, UTF-8 encoded
Struct Associative array using string keys
May be nested (shown in the syntax as first.second, etc.)
Table 132: Data Types Supported by XML-RPC
Data Representation
Unless otherwise specified, all strings should be considered to be UTF-8 encoded Unicode.
Dates and times are represented in an ISO-8601 compatible format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
XML-RPC Faults
An XML-RPC Fault is a specific kind of return value indicating that an error has occurred in the presentation
layer. The return value is a struct containing three named values:
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