Administrator Guide

534 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
Configure, and click its Enable link. If you prefer to use the standard W-ClearPass skin, navigate to it in the
Available Plugins list and click its Enable link.
The default skin is displayed on all visitor pages, and on the login page if no other skin is specified for it.
However; you can override this for a particular operator profile, an individual operator, or give the login page a
different appearance than the rest of the application. You can also specify a skin for guest self-registration
l To use a different skin for a particular operator profile, see "Creating an Operator Profile" on page 547.
l To use a different skin for an individual operator login, see "Local Operator Authentication" on page 553.
l To have the login page use a different skin than the rest of the application, see "Operator Logins
Configuration" on page 544.
l To specify a skin for a customized guest self-registration page, see "Configuring Basic Properties for Self-
Registration" on page 294.
Configuring the IP Phone Services Plugin
The Cisco IP Phone Services plugin configuration allows you to configure debugging levels for Cisco IP Phone
service requests. The higher the debugging level, the more information will be included in the application log.
Available debugging levels are:
l 0 No debugging output
l 1 Log requests
l 2 Log requests with full details