Administrator Guide

538 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
By default, the display language for the W-ClearPass Guest user interface is automatically detected based on
the user's browser settings. To enable or disable language packs, set a default language for W-ClearPass Guest,
or customize label and message text, see "About Translations" on page 377.
Configuring the Web Analytics Plugin
The Web Analytics plugin configuration allows you to configure a tracking code and specify which pages should
include it. Options include:
l All pages
l Operator pages only
l Guest access pages only
The tracking code will be added immediately before the </body> tag on the specified pages. The tracking code
does not collect any user information.
Configuring the SOAP Web Services Plugin
To configure the SOAPWeb Services plugin:
1. Go to Administration >Web Services >Configure Web Services. The Configure Web Services form