Administrator Guide

Field Description
rather than failing to create the account. This field should normally be enabled
for guest self-registration forms, to ensure that a visitor that registers again
with the same email address has their existing account automatically updated.
Set this field to a non-zero value or a non-empty string to enable automatic
update of an existing account. This field controls account creation behavior; it is
not stored with created visitor accounts.
captcha Special field used to enable the use of a CAPTCHA security code on a form. This
field should be used with the user interface type “CAPTCHA security code and
the standard validator NwaCaptchaIsValid in order to provide the standard
security code functionality.
Boolean flag indicating that any existing sessions for a visitor account should be
disconnected or modified using RFC 3576. If this field is not specified on a form
that modifies the visitor account, the default value is taken from the
configuration for the RADIUS Services plugin.
Set this field to a non-zero value or a non-empty string to enable RFC 3576
updates for active sessions. Set this field to a zero value or the empty string to
disable RFC 3576 updates for active sessions.
create_time Integer. Time at which the account was created. The creation time is specified
as a UNIX timestamp. This field is automatically configured with the current
time when the Initial Value is set to: array('generator' => 'time')
creator_accept_terms Boolean flag indicating that the creator has accepted the terms and conditions
of use. When creating an account, this field must be present, and must be set to
the value 1. If this field is unset, or has any other value, account creation will fail
with an error message.
To set the correct value for this field, use a check box (to require confirmation
from the creator) or a hidden field (if use of the form is considered acceptance
of the terms and conditions). This field controls account creation behavior; it is
not stored with created visitor accounts.
creator_name String. Name of the creator of the account. This field does not have a default
value. See "sponsor_name" on page 602.
do_expire Integer that specifies the action to take when the expire time of the account is
reached. See "expire_time" on page 596.
l 0—Account will not expire
l 1—Disable
l 2—Disable and logout
l 3—Delete
l 4—Delete and logout
“Disable” indicates that the enabled field will be set to 0, which will prevent
further authorizations using this account.
“Logout” indicates that a RADIUS Disconnect-Request will be used for all active
sessions that have a username matching the account username. This option
requires the NAS to support RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization. See "RFC 3576
Dynamic Authorization" on page 37 for more information.
do_schedule Boolean flag indicating if the account should be enabled at schedule_time. Set
this field to 0 to disable automatic activation of the account at the activation
time. Set this field to 1, and provide a valid time in the schedule_time field, to
automatically enable the account at the specified activation time. See
"schedule_time" on page 601.
dynamic_expire_time Integer. Time at which the account will expire, calculated according to the
account’s expiration timers. The value of this field is a UNIX timestamp. This
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide Reference | 595