Administrator Guide

620 | Chromebook in Onboard Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
n The Chrome device will be provisioned with a new certificate.
n The provisioned network should be automatically activated when it is available. If not, manually connect
to the network to verify that EAP-TLS is working correctly.
Directory-Based Authentication Source is Recommended
When a Chromebook user with an EAP-TLS certificate connects to the network, an authorization check is
performed to ensure that the certificate is still valid, and that the user account associated with the certificate is
still permitted to use the network.
W-ClearPass Policy Manager provides this capability for multiple authentication sources. However, at this time,
no built-in Google Apps authentication source is available.
Many Chromebook deployments will take advantage of Google Apps Directory Sync to use an existing LDAP or
Active Directory authentication source. In this environment, a W-ClearPass authentication source can be used
to verify the status of a user account when a device connects to the network.
If your deployment does not have an LDAP or Active Directory source, you can still use Onboard to provision
Chromebook devices. However, in this environment you must manually revoke the certificates of users who
are no longer authorized to access the network.
Onboard Configuration for Chromebook
The Provisioning Settings form provides Chromebook configuration settings.
Enable Chromebook Provisioning
You must first enable Chromebook in a provisioning setting. This adds the configuration fields for it:
1. Go to Onboard > Deployment and Provisioning > Provisioning Settings and click the Supported
Devices tab.
Figure 89 Provisioning Settings, Supported Devices Tab, Chromebook Area
2. In the Chromebook Devices row, select the Enable Chromebook device provisioning check box.
3. In the Chromebook Token row, select the hardware token to store certificates against. Options include:
l User-Specific
l System-Wide
4. Click Save Changes. Configuration fields for Chromebook are added to the Instructions & Messages