Administrator Guide

70 | W-ClearPass Guest Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
The Username, Role, State, Activation, Expiration, and Lifetime columns display information about the
visitor accounts that have been created:
l The value in the Expiration column is colored red if the visitor account will expire within the next 24 hours.
The expiration time is additionally highlighted in boldface if the visitor account will expire within the next
l In addition, icons in the Username column indicate the account’s activation status:
n —Visitor account is active
n —Visitor account was created but is not activated yet
n —Visitor account was disabled by Administrator
n —Visitor account has expired
You can use the Filter field to narrow the search parameters. You may enter a simple substring to match a
portion of the username or any other fields that are configured for search, and you can include the following
Operator Meaning Additional Information
= is equal to You may search for multiple values when using the
equality (=) or inequality !=) operators. To specify multiple
values, list them separated by the pipe character ( | ).
For example, specifying the filter "role_id=2|3, custom_
field=Value" restricts the accounts displayed to those with
role IDs 2 and 3 (Guest and Employee), and with the field
named "custom_field" set to "Value".
!= is not equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
< is less than
<= is less than or equal to
~ matches the regular expression
!~ does not match the regular
Table 15: Operators supported in filters
To restore the default view, click the Clear Filter link.