Administrator Guide

78 | W-ClearPass Guest Manager Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.5.0 | User Guide
time zone America/Los_Angeles
periodic Monday 9am to 10am shared users A, B
The device is shared with users A and B, from 9am to 10am every Monday (relative to the U.S. Pacific time
zone). Daylight savings time rules are observed; the time period 9am to 10am is always relative to that
time zone.
periodic mon tue wed thu fri 9am to 10am shared users A, B
The device is shared with users A and B, from 9am to 10am every weekday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday).
periodic weekdays 9am to 10am shared users A, B
weekday or weekdays can be used as a synonym for "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday".
Similarly, weekend or weekends can be used as a synonym for "Saturday Sunday".
on Sep 16 9:00 to 13:00 shared location AP-Name=1341-ap01 shared group ABC shared role
SomeRole shared user user02, user03, "user04", 'user05'
The device is shared with a single access point named 1341-ap01, a single group named ABC, a single role
named SomeRole, and 4 users named user02,user03, user04, and user05.
Note the quotes are not considered to be part of the user names user04 and user05. (In this case, the
quotes are redundant as there is no space or comma that requires quoting.)
No time zone is specified, so the date and time are determined relative to the server's time zone.
No year is specified, so the server's current year is used. In particular, after September 16 of any year, this
rule will have no effect until the following year.
default allow
periodic 0:00 to 24:00 shared roles default_role
periodic mon 9am to 5pm shared roles other_role
The device is normally shared ("default allow") with a single role named default_role ("periodic 0:00 to
24:00 shared roles default_role").
On Monday from 9am to 5pm, the device is shared with a different role named other_role.
Note that even though the time ranges overlap, the sharing policies are completely distinct; on Mondays
from 9am to 5pm, the role default_role will NOT have access to the device, because a different sharing rule
is in effect. (The rule could instead have been written "periodic mon 9am to 5pm shared roles default_role,
other_role" if this was the desired result.)
This example shows how to use an overlapping time range: place the most general time range first, with
more specific time ranges later. In particular, reversing the order of the periodic statements will not work.
default deny
periodic 9:00 to 22:00 shared roles default_role
no periodic thu 9:00 to 17:00
periodic fri 9:00 to 17:00 not shared
This example shows how to share a device with a basic policy, and demonstrates two ways to disable
sharing for a subset of the time period.