Deployment Guide

n At least one digit
n At least one letter and one digit
n At least one of each: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, digit
n At least one symbol
n At least one of each: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, digit, and symbol
l Minimum Password LengthThe minimum acceptable password length for guests changing their account
l Disallowed Password CharactersSpecial characters that should not be allowed in a guest password. Spaces are
not allowed by default. You can specify special characters, numbers, and letters to exclude from passwords—for
example, letters and numbers that can look similar, such as i, l, 1, 0, O, o, 5, S.
l Disallowed Password Words—Enter a comma- separated list of words that are disallowed and will not be created
by the random words password generator.
Figure 24: Customize Guest Manager Page, Continued (middle section)
l Expiration OptionsDefault values for relative account expiration times. These options are displayed as the
values of the Expires After field when creating a user account.
l Lifetime Options—Default values for account lifetimes. These options are displayed as the values of the
“Account Lifetime” field when creating a user account.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Default Settings for Account Creation | 139