Deployment Guide

SMS Receipt Fields
The behavior of SMS receipt operations can be customized with certain guest account fields. You can override global
settings by setting these fields.
l sms_enabled This field may be set to a non-zero value to enable sending an SMS receipt. If unset, the default
value is true.
l sms_handler_id This field specifies the handler ID for the SMS service provider. If blank or unset, the default
value from the SMS plugin configuration is used.
l sms_template_id This field specifies the print template ID for the SMS receipt. If blank or unset, the default
value from the SMS plugin configuration is used.
l sms_phone_field This field specifies the name of the field that contains the visitor’s phone number. If blank or
unset, the default value from the SMS plugin configuration is used.
l sms_auto_send_field This field specifies the name of the field that contains the auto-send flag. If blank or
unset, the default value from the SMS plugin configuration is used. Additionally, the special values _Disabled
and _Enabled may be used to never send an SMS or always send an SMS, respectively.
The logic used to send an SMS receipt is:
l If SMS receipts are disabled, take no action.
l Otherwise, check the auto-send field.
n If it is “_Disabled” then no receipt is sent.
n If it is “_Enabled then continue processing.
n If it is any other value, assume the auto-send field is the name of another guest account field. Check the value
of that field, and if it is zero or the empty string then no receipt is sent.
l Determine the phone number – if the phone number field is set and the value of this field is at least 7 characters
in length, then use the value of this field as the phone number. Otherwise, if the value of the auto-send field is at
least 7 characters in length, then use the value of this field as the phone number.
l If the phone number is at least 7 characters long, generate a receipt using the specified plain-text print template
and send it to the specified phone number.
Configuring Access Code Logins
This section explains how to configure Guest Manager to create multiple accounts that have the ability to log in
with only the username. We will refer to this as an Access Code.
Customize Random Username and Passwords
In this example we will set the random usernames and passwords to be a mix of letters and digits.
1. Navigate to Configuration > Guest Manager. The Configure Guest Manager form opens.
2. In the Username Type field, select Random Letters and digits. The generator matching the complexity will also
include a mix of upper and lower case letters.
3. In the Username Length field, select 8 characters.
4. Configure other settings. See "Default Settings for Account Creation" on page 137 for a description. Click
Save Configuration to save your changes.
Create the Print Template
By default, the print templates include username, password, and expiration, as well as other options. For the purpose
of access codes, we only want the username presented. This access code login example bases the print template off
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide SMS Receipt Fields | 199