Deployment Guide

250 | Creating an LDAP Server
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Server Type Required Configuration Parameters
Microsoft Active Directory
l Server URL: The URL of the LDAP server
l Bind DN: The password to use when binding to the LDAP server, or empty
for an anonymous bind.
l Bind Password: If your LDAP server does not use anonymous bind, you
must supply the required credentials to bind to the directory. (Leave this
field blank to use an anonymous bind.)
l Default Profile: The default operator profile to assign to operators
authorized by this LDAP server.
POSIX Compliant:
l Server URL: The URL of the LDAP server
l Bind DN: The password to use when binding to the LDAP server, or empty
for an anonymous bind.
l Bind Password: The password to use when binding to the LDAP server.
Leave this field blank to use an anonymous bind.
l Base DN: The Distinguished Name to use for the LDAP search.
l Default Profile: The default operator profile to assign to operators
authorized by this LDAP server.
l Server URL: The URL of the LDAP server
l Bind DN: The password to use when binding to the LDAP server, or empty
for an anonymous bind.
l Bind Password: The password to use when binding to the LDAP server.
Leave this field blank to use an anonymous bind.
l Base DN: The Distinguished Name to use for the LDAP search.
l Unique ID: The name of an LDAP attribute used to match the username.
l Filter: Additional LDAP filters to use to search for the server.
l Attributes: List of LDAP attributes to retrieve. Or leave bland to retrieve all
attributes (default).
l Default Profile: The default operator profile to assign to operators
authorized by this LDAP server.
l RADIUS Server: The hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server.
l Port Number: The port number of the RADIUS authentication service.
l Shared Secret: The shared secret for the RADIUS server.
l Authentication Method: The authentication method that supplies the
l Default Profile: The default operator profile to assign to operators
authorized by this server.
Table 21:
Server Type Parameters
Select the Enabled check box under Sponsor Lookups if you want to enable the validation of sponsor emails during
self-registration. When this option is selected, this server will look up sponsors during self-registration and double-
check the attribute used for emails on the LDAP server. This option requires that the sponsor_email and do_ldap_
lookup fields are enabled in the registration form. This feature requires you to have the LDAP Sponsor Lookup
plugin installed. Use the Plugin Manager to verify that this plugin is available.
When you have completed the form, you can check your settings. Use the Test Username and Test Password fields
to supply a username and password for the authentication check, then click the Test Settings button. If the