Deployment Guide

The Custom rule is:
{if stripos($user.memberof, "CN=Administrators")!==false}
{elseif date('H') >= 8 && date('H') < 18}
Explanation: The rule will always match on the “memberof” attribute that contains the user’s list of groups. The
operator field enabled will determine if the user is permitted to log in or not. The custom template uses the
{strip} block function to remove any whitespace, which makes the contents of the template easier to understand.
The {if} statement first checks for membership of the Administrators group using the PHP stripos() function for
case-insensitive substring matching; if matched, the operator will be enabled. Otherwise, the server’s current time is
checked to see if it is after 8am and before 6pm; if so, the operator will be enabled. If neither condition has
matched, the “enabled field will be set to 0 and login will not be permitted.
Operator Logins Configuration
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Operator Logins Configuration
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