Deployment Guide

processing a HTTP request, the current client IP address is assumed
Specifying an empty value for the IP address (such as null, false, or empty string) also causes the current client IP
address to be used.
See "GetTraffic() " on page 274 for details on how to specify the time interval.
GetSessions($criteria, $from_time, $to_time = null)
Calculate the number of sessions from accounting records in the database.
NOTE: This is a multi-purpose function that has a very flexible query interface; for ease of use, consider using one of the related
functions GetCallingStationSessions(), GetIpAddressSessions(), GetUserActiveSessions(), or GetUserSessions().
$criteria is the criteria on which to search for matching accounting records.
As well as the criteria specified, the time interval specified by $from_time and optionally $to_time is also used
to narrow the search.
If $to_time is not specified, $from_time is a look back” time, that is, the time interval in seconds before the
current time.
If $to_time is specified, the interval considered is between $from_time and $to_time.
Returns the total number of sessions for matching accounting records in the time interval specified.
GetSessionTimeRemaining($username, $format = “relative”)
Calculates the session time remaining for a given user account, if the user account was to be authenticated at the
moment of the call.
The $username parameter is required. This is the username for the authentication.
The $format parameter is optional, and defaults to “relative” if not otherwise specified. This parameter may be one
of the following values:
l “relative” or “session_time”: Calculates the session timeout as for the Session-Timeout RADIUS attribute, that
is, the number of seconds before the session should end. If the session does not have a session timeout, the value
returned is 0.
l “time”: Calculates the session end time, as the UNIX time at which the session should end. If the session does
not have an expiration time, the value returned is 0.
l Other values: These are interpreted as a date format (see NwaDateFormat) and the session end time is
returned in this format. (Examples: “iso8601, longdate”, recent”, ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M’, etc.). If the session
does not have an expiration time, the value returned is a blank string.
GetTime($criteria, $from_time, $to_time = null)
Calculate the sum of session times for accounting records in the database.
NOTE: This is a multi-purpose function that has a very flexible query interface; for ease of use, consider using one of the related
functions See "GetCallingStationTime() " on page 270, "GetIpAddressTime() " on page 272, or "GetUserTime() " on page
$criteria is the criteria on which to search for matching accounting records.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide GetSessions() | 273