Deployment Guide

l The numbered parameters are expanded in the translated string with the positional arguments %1, %2 and so
{nwa_userpref …}
Smarty template function. Returns the current setting of a user preference (stored with the Web application user
Usage examples:
{nwa_userpref name=prefName}
{nwa_userpref name=prefName default=10}
{nwa_userpref has=prefName}
l “name”: return the named user preference
l “default: supply a value to be returned if the preference is not set
l “has”: return 1 if the named preference exists for the current user, 0 if the preference does not exist
{nwa_youtube video=ID width=cx height=cy …} … {/nwa_youtube}
Smarty registered block function. Provides simple support for embedding a YouTube video in the body of a page.
The content of this block is the initial alternate content that will be presented until the YouTube player can be
embedded (if it can be embedded).
NOTE: Not all devices are capable of playing back YouTube video content.
Usage example:
{nwa_youtube video=Y7dpJ0oseIA width=320 height=240}
YouTube is the world’s most popular online video community.
The supported parameters for this block function are:
l video (required) the YouTube video ID to embed.
l width (required) the width in pixels of the video.
l height (required) – the height in pixels of the video.
l autoplay (optional) if true, auto-play the video.
l chrome (optional) if true, use the chromed player; that is, provide a user experience with playback controls.
l version (optional) the minimum version required to play the video.
l onended (optional) the name of a global function (that is, a member of the JavaScript “window object) that
is to be called at the end of video playback.
Date/Time Format Syntax
There are two basic modifiers available for you to use in Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest: nwadateformat and
nwadateformat Modifier
The date format takes one or two arguments the format description and an optional default value (used if there is
no time/date to display). UTF-8 is the character encoding used throughout the application, as this covers languages
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide nwa_userpref | 279