Deployment Guide

284 | NwaGenerateRandomPasswordMix Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Creates a password based on a format string. For details on the special characters recognized in $string, see "Format
Picture String Symbols" on page 297.
NwaGenerateRandomPasswordMix($password_len, $lower = 1, $upper = 1, $digit = 1, $symbol =
Generates a random password that meets a certain minimum complexity requirement.
l $password_len specifies the total length in characters of the generated password. The password returned will
be at least $upper + $lower + $digit + $symbol characters in length. Any length beyond the required
minimum will be made up of any allowed characters.
l $lower specifies the minimum number of lowercase characters to include, or -1 to not use any lowercase
l $upper specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters to include, or -1 to not use any uppercase
l $digit specifies the minimum number of digits to include, or -1 to not use any digits.
l $symbol specifies the minimum number of symbol characters to include, or -1 to not use any symbol or
punctuation characters.
Generates an alpha-numeric password of $len characters in length consisting of lowercase letters and digits.
Generates a password of $len characters in length consisting of lowercase letters.
NwaMoneyFormat($amount, $format = null)
Formats a monetary amount for display purposes. The current page language is used to adjust formatting to the
country specified. Returns a result that is guaranteed to be in UTF-8.
The $format argument may be null, to specify the default behavior (U.S. English format), or it may be a pattern
string containing the following:
l currency symbol (prefix)
l thousands separator
l decimal point
l number of decimal places
The format 1.000,00 uses the Euro sign as the currency symbol, . as the thousands separator, “, as the decimal
point, and 2 decimal places.
If not specified explicitly, the default format is $1,000.00.
NwaParseCsv($text, $options = null)
Parses text containing comma-separated values and returns the result as a list of records, where each record contains
a list of fields. Supports CSV escaping using double quotes.