Deployment Guide

l IsNonEmpty Checks that the value is a non-empty string (length non-zero and not all whitespace), or a non-
empty array.
l IsNonNegative Checks that the value is numeric and non-negative.
l IsRegexMatch Checks that the value matches a regular expression supplied as the argument the validator. The
regular expression should be a Perl-compatible regular expression with delimiters. For example, the validator
argument /^a/i will match any value that starts with an “a”, case-insensitively. "Regular Expressions" on page 305
for more information about regular expression syntax.
l IsValidBool Checks that the value is a standard Boolean truth value. Valid Boolean values are the integers 0
and 1 and the PHP values false and true.
l IsValidDateTime Checks that the value appears to be a valid time specification string according to the rules of
the PHP function strtotime(). Valid date/time syntax includes ISO 8601 standard times (YYYY-MM-DD
hh:mm:ss) with and without time zone specifications, as well as many other formats.
l IsValidEmail Checks that the value appears to be a valid RFC 822-compliant email address. When using the
IsValidEmail validator, the validator argument may be specified with a whitelist/blacklist of domain names. Use
the syntax:
'allow' => array(
'deny' => array(
n The keys ‘whitelist and ‘blacklist may also be used for ‘allow and ‘deny’, respectively.
n An ‘allow’ or ‘deny value that is a string is converted to a single element array.
n Wildcard matching may be used on domain names: the prefix ‘*.’ means match any domain that ends with
the given suffix. A ‘*’ component can also be used inside the hostname, and will match zero or more domain
name components.
n If the ‘allow’ list is empty or unset, the default behavior is to accept ALL domains other than those listed in
the ‘deny’ list.
n If the ‘deny’ list is empty or unset, the default behavior is to deny ALL domains other than those listed in the
‘allow’ list.
n If both ‘allow and ‘deny’ lists are provided, the default behavior is to accept a domain name that does not
match any of the patterns provided. The ‘allow’ list is checked first, followed by ‘deny’. To obtain the opposite
behavior, specify the wildcard ‘*’ as the last entry in the ‘deny’ list.
l IsValidFileUpload Checks that the value is a file upload.
l IsValidFutureDateTime Checks that the value is a valid time specification string according to the rules of the
PHP function strtotime(), and that the time specification refers to a point in the future.
l IsValidFutureTimestamp Checks that the value is a valid UNIX time referring to a point in the future.
l IsValidHostname Checks that the value is a valid IP address or a hostname that resolves to an IP address.
l IsValidHostnameCidr Checks that the value is a valid IP address or hostname, which may also have an
optional /N suffix indicating the network prefix length in bits (CIDR notation).
l IsValidHostnamePort Checks that the value is a valid IP address or hostname, which may optionally include a
port number specified with the syntax hostname:port.
l IsValidIpAddr Checks that the value is a valid IP address.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Form Field Validation Functions | 299