Deployment Guide

l Click the Existing link to select all existing user accounts in the list.
Click the Create Accounts button to finish the import process. The selected items will be created or updated.
You can then print new guest account receipts or download a list of the guest accounts. See "Creating Multiple
Guest Account Receipts " on page 31 in this chapter for more information.
Exporting Guest Account Information
Guest account information may be exported to a file in one of several different formats.
Click the appropriate command link to save a list of all guest accounts in comma-separated values (CSV), tab-
separated values (TSV), or XML format.
The Export Accounts view (guest_export) may be customized by adding new fields, or by modifying or removing the
existing fields. See "Customizing Self-Provisioned Access " on page 171 for details about this customization process.
About CSV and TSV Exports
In CSV and TSV format, the following default fields are included in the export:
l Number Sequential number of the guest account in the exported data
l User ID Numeric user ID of the guest account
l Username Username for the guest account
l Role Role for the guest account
l Activation Date and time at which the guest account will be activated, or “N/A if there is no activation time
l Expiration Date and time at which the guest account will expire, or “N/A if there is no expiration time
l Lifetime The guest account’s lifetime in minutes after login, or 0 if the account lifetime is not set
l Expire Action Number specifying the action to take when the guest account expires (0 through 4)
About XML Exports
The default XML format consists of a <GuestUsers> element containing a <GuestUser> element for each
exported guest account. The numeric ID of the guest account is provided as the id” attribute of the <GuestUser>
element. This format is compatible with the ClearPass Policy Manager XML format for guest users.
The values for both standard and custom fields for guest accounts are exported as the contents of an XML tag, where
the tag has the same name as the guest account field.
An example XML export is given below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<TipsContents xmlns="">
<TipsHeader version="6.0" exportTime="Sun, 16 Dec 2012 16:36:03 PST"/>
<GuestUser guestType="USER" enabled="true" sponsorName="55480025"
expiryTime="2012-12-04 13:39:25" startTime="1969-12-31 16:00:00"
password="08654361" name="55480025">
<GuestUserTags tagValue="Hotspot Services self-provisioned guest account
Source IP: MAC: unknown Plan: Free Access x 1 Transaction
Amount: $0.00 Invoice Number: P-15 Transaction ID: " tagName="notes"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="2" tagName="[Role ID]"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="1" tagName="do_expire"/>
<GuestUserTags tagValue="1" tagName="simultaneous_use"/>
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Exporting Guest Account Information
| 43