Deployment Guide

46 | Changing a Device’s Expiration Date Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Operator Meaning Additional Information
= is equal to
You may search for multiple values when using the equality
(=) or inequality !=) operators. To specify multiple values, list
them separated by the pipe character ( | ).
For example, specifying the filter "role_id=2|3, custom_
field=Value" restricts the accounts displayed to those with
role IDs 2 and 3 (Guest and Employee), and with the field
named "custom_field" set to "Value".
!= is not equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
< is less than
<= is less than or equal to
~ matches the regular expression
!~ does not match the regular expression
Table 9:
Operators supported in filters
To restore the default view, click the Clear Filter link.
Use the paging control at the bottom of the list to jump forwards or backwards by one page, or to the first or last
page of the list. You can also click an individual page number to jump directly to that page.
To select a device, click the device you want to work with.
Changing a Device’s Expiration Date
To change a device’s expiration date, click the device’s row in the Guest Manager Devices list, then click its Change
expiration link. The row expands to include the Change Expiration form.
1. In the Account Expiration row, choose one of the options in the drop-down list to set an expiration date:
l If you choose Account expires after, the Expires After row is added to the form. Choose an interval of hours,
days, or weeks from the drop-down list.