Deployment Guide

80 | Using the {nwa_mdps_config} Template Function Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
To modify the instructions provided to users on the device provisioning page, edit the contents of the Header
HTML text area.
The default instructions are displayed to the user as:
This corresponds to the following text prepopulated in the Header HTML text area:
Please configure security and network settings on your device to allow secure<br>
access to the internal network. Please follow the instructions listed below:<br>
<strong>1.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{nwa_iconlink icon="images/icon-certificate22.png"
text="Install root certificate (click here)"}{nwa_mdps_config name=root_cert}{/nwa_iconlink}<
<strong>2.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Login below using your {nwa_mdps_config name=organ
ization_name} credentials<br>
<strong>3.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Install the certificate when prompted<br>
<strong>4.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Go to your Wi-Fi settings and connect to SSID: <st
rong>{nwa_mdps_config name=wifi_ssid}</strong>
Using the {nwa_mdps_config} Template Function
Certain properties can be extracted from the Onboard configuration and used in the device provisioning page.
To obtain these properties, use the {nwa_mdps_config} Smarty template function. The ā€œnameā€ parameter specifies
which property should be returned, as described in Table 15.
Name Description
URL of the Onboard certificate authorityā€™s root certificate.
Browsing to this URL will install the root certificate on the device, which is required as part of
the pre-provisioning step.
<a href="{nwa_mdps_config name=root_cert}"> Install Onboard root
Table 15:
Properties Available with the
Smarty Template Function