Setup Guide

Navigation Settings
Name the Service and
select a pre-configured
Service Type:
l Service (tab) >
l Type (selector): Dell
Authentication >
l Name/Description
(freeform) >
l Upon completion,
click Next.
Table 9:
Service Navigation and Settings (Continued)
3. Set up the Authentication.
a. Method: The Policy Manager WebAuth service authenticates WebAuth clients internally.
b. Source: Administrators typically configure Guest Users in the local Policy Manager database.
4. Configure a Posture Policy.
For purposes of posture evaluation, you can configure a Posture Policy (internal to Policy Manager), a Posture Server
(external), or an Audit Server (internal or external). Each of the first three use cases demonstrates one of these options.
This use case demonstrates the Posture Policy.
As of the current version, Policy Manager ships with five pre-configured posture plugins that evaluate the health of
the client and return a corresponding posture token.
To add the internal posture policy IPP_UNIVERSAL_XP, which (as you will configure it in this Use Case, checks
any Windows
XP clients to verify the most current Service Pack).
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager | Getting Started Guide Use Cases | 23