Users Guide

Table 74:
Add Static Host List
Parameter Description
Freeform labels and descriptions.
Host Format Select a format for expression of the address: subnet, IP address or regular
Host Type Select a host type: IP Address or MAC Address (radio buttons).
Use the Add Host and Remove Host widgets to maintain membership in the current
Static Host List.
Additional Available Tasks
l To edit a Static Host List from the Static Host Lists listing page, click on the name to display the Edit Static Host
List popup.
l To delete a Static Host List from the Static Host Lists listing page, select it (via check box) and click the Delete
l To export a Static Host List, in the Static Host Lists listing page, select it (via check box) and click the Export
l To export ALL Static Host Lists, in the Static Host Lists listing page, click the Export Static Host Lists link.
l To import Static Host Lists, in the Static Host Lists listing page, click the Import Static Host Lists link
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.2 | User Guide 148