Users Guide

219 Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.2 | User Guide
To export a user, select it (check box at left) and click Export. Your browser will display its normal Save As dialog, in
which to enter the name of the XML file to contain the export.
Admin Privileges
To view the available Admin Privileges, go to Administration > Users and Privileges > Admin Privileges.
Figure 216 Admin Privileges
See Custom Admin Privileges to create additional admin privileges and Exporting to export the definition of one or
more admin privileges.
Custom Admin Privileges
While Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager doesn't let you change the definition of the built-in admin
privileges, you can create and import custom ones. Customer admin privileges are defined in a specifically formatted
XMLfile and then imported into Policy Manager on the Admin Privileges page.
Create a Custom Admin Privilege
You will need a plain text or XML editor, not a word processor such as Microsoft Word, to create a custom admin
To create a custom admin privilege
1. Using a plain text or XMLeditor (not a word processor such as Microsoft Word), create an XML file that defines a
privilege and its definition. (See the following sections for information on the XML structure, and privilege
2. Go to Administration > Users and Privileges >Admin Privileges.
3. Import the admin privilege file you created in step 1. See Importing for details.
The admin privilege is added to the list.
Admin Privilege XML Structure
Admin privilege files are XML files and have a very specific structure.
A header must be at the beginning of an admin privilege XMLfile and must be exactly:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
The root tag is TipsContents. It is a container for the data in the XML file and should look like this:
<TipsContents xmlns="">
Following the TipsContents tag is an optional TipsHeader tag.