Users Guide

Figure 294 Install Update
Table 179:
Install Update dialog box buttons and descriptions
Container Description
Close Click on this button to close the dialog box.
Clear &
Click on this button to delete the log messages and close the popup. This will also remove
the corresponding row from the Firmware & Patch Updates table.
Reboot This button appears only for the updates requiring a reboot to complete the installation.
Click on this button to initiate a reboot of the server.
Delete the log messages (using the Clear & Close button on the Install Update dialog box) for a failed install. After
the log messages are cleared, attempt the install again.
System Events (as seen on the Monitoring > Event Viewer page) show records for events, such as communication
failures with webservice, successful or failed download of updates, and successful or failed installation of updates.
The Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager server contacts the webservice server every hour in the background
to download any newly available Posture & Profile Data updates and every day at 4:00 a.m. for a current list of
firmware and patch updates. Any new list of firmware and update patches available are downloaded to the Policy
Manager server automatically and kept ready for installation. The webservice itself is refreshed with the Antivirus and
Antispyware data hourly, with Windows Updates daily, and with Fingerprint data, Firmware & Patches as and when
new ones are available. An event is generated (showing up in Event Viewer) with the list of downloaded images. If an
SMTP server, any Alert Notification email addresses are configured, an email (from publisher only) is also sent with the
list of images downloaded.
Updating the Policy Manager Software
By way of background, the Policy Manager Publisher node acts as master. Administration, configuration, and database
write operations are allowed only on this master node. The Policy Manager appliance defaults to a Publisher node
unless it is made a Subscriber node. A Policy Manager cluster can contain only one Publisher node. Cluster commands
can be used to change the state of the node, hence the Publisher can be made a Subscriber.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.2 | User Guide 290