Administrator Guide

Summary Tab
The Summary tab summarizes the parameters configured in the Profile and Attribute tabs. The following
figure displays the Agent Enforcement - Summary tab:
Figure 274: Agent Enforcement - Summary Tab
Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement
Use this page to configure profile and role configuration attributes for the Aruba Downloadable Role
Enforcement profile. The Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement profile contains the following tabs:
l Profile Tab on page 307
l Role Configuration Tab on page 308
l Summary Tab on page 317
Profile Tab
Use the Profile tab to configure the template, type of the profile, and device group list. The following figure
displays the Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement - Profile tab:
Figure 275: Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement - Profile Tab
The following table describes the Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement - Profile parameters:
Parameter Description
Template Select the template from the drop-down list. In this context, select Aruba Downloadable Role
Name Enter the name of the profile. The name is displayed in the Name column on the Configuration
> Enforcement > Profiles page.
Description Enter a description of the profile. This description is displayed in the Description column on the
Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles page.
Table 165:
Aruba Downloadable Role Enforcement - Profile Tab Parameters
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.5 | User Guide Enforcement | 307