Administrator Guide

The following table describes the CLI Based Enforcement - Attributes tab parameters:
Attribute Parameter
Attribute Name Select Command or Target Device.
Attribute Value Displays the options for the Attribute Value depend on the selected Attribute Name.
Table 176:
CLI Based Enforcement - Attributes Tab Parameters
Summary Tab
The Summary tab summarizes the parameters configured in the Profile and Attributes tab. The following
figure displays the CLI Based Enforcement - Summary tab:
Figure 303: CLI Based Enforcement - Summary Tab
Filter ID Based Enforcement
Use this page to configure profile and attribute parameters for the Filter ID based enforcement profile. The
Filter ID Based Enforcement profile contains the following tabs:
l Profile Tab on page 327
l Attributes Tab on page 328
Profile Tab
The following figure displays the Filter ID Based Enforcement - Profile tab:
Figure 304: Filter ID Based Enforcement Profile tab
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