Administrator Guide

328 | Enforcement Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.5 | User Guide
The following table describes the Filter ID Based Enforcement Profile tab parameters:
Table 177: Filter ID Based Enforcement - Profile Tab Parameters
Parameter Description
Template Select the template from the drop-down list. In this context, select Filter ID Based Enforcement
Name Enter the name of the profile. The name is displayed in the Name column on the Configuration
> Enforcement > Profiles page.
Description Enter a description of the profile. The Description is displayed in the Description column on the
Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles page.
Type RADIUS. The field is populated automatically.
Action Enabled. Click Accept, Reject, or Drop to define the action taken on the request.
Device Group
Select a Device Group from the drop-down list. The list displays all configured Device Groups.
All configured device groups are listed in the Device Groups page: Configuration > Network
> Device Groups. After you add one or more device group(s), you can select a group and take
one of the following actions:
l Click Remove to delete the selected Device Group List entry.
l Click View Details to see the device group parameters.
l Click Modify to change the parameters of the selected device group.
Add new Device
To add a new a device group, click the Add new Device Group link and see Adding and
Modifying Device Groups on page 353.
Attributes Tab
The following figure displays the Filter ID Based Enforcement Profile - Attributes tab:
Figure 305: Filter ID Based Enforcement Profile - Attributes Tab