Administrator Guide

l Time Zone on Publisher Tab on page 433
Date&Time Tab
You can set the date and time for the server using this tab. The following figure displays the Date &Time tab
of the Change Date and Time pop-up:
Figure 406: Change Date and Time - Date & Time tab
The following table describes the Date and Time tab parameters:
Parameter Description
Date in yyyy-mm-
dd format
To specify date and time, use the indicated syntax. This is available only when Synchronize
time with NTP server is unchecked.
Time in hh:mm:ss
Synchronize Time
With NTP Server
To synchronize with a Network Time Protocol Server, enable this check box and specify the
NTP servers. You can specify one primary and one secondary server.
NTP Server
Specify the primary NTPserver.
NTP Server
Specify the secondary NTP server.
Table 248:
Change Date and Time - Date & Time tab Parameters
Time Zone on Publisher Tab
After configuring the date and time, select the time zone on the Time zone on publisher tab. This displays a
time zone list in alphabetical order. Select a time zone and click Save.
This option is available only on the publisher. To set time zone on the subscriber, select the specific server and set
time zone from the server-specific page.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.5 | User Guide Administration | 433