Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
NOTE: A session in any of Scheduled, Terminated, and Failed states can be edited and
saved. Only a session in Running state can be terminated by selecting that session and
clicking Terminate. A session in any of Scheduled, Terminated and Failed states can be
deleted by selecting that session and clicking Delete. If a session fails, the Event Viewer
indicates the cause of the failure.
Timestamp The server time when the status was last updated.
Table 335:
Remote Assistance Session Parameters (Continued)
Adding a Remote Assistance Session
The administrator can click the Add Session link to create a session on a Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy
Manager server in the cluster. Sessions can only be saved and deleted from the Publisher in a cluster. Sessions
can be terminated from a Publisher or from Subscribers in a cluster.
To set up a session, click Add Session. The following figure displays the Add Session pop-up:
Table 336: Add Session Pop-up
The following table describes the Add Session parameters:
Parameter Description
Text name of session.
l One Time Future (Initiates a session in future, on a selected date and time)
l Weekly (Initiates a session on a selected weekday at the selected time)
l Monthly (Initiates a session on a selected day of every month at the selected time)
Duration The duration of a session is specified in Hours and Minutes. The "session begin" time
saved is the time relative to server’s time, and is specified in a 24-hour clock format.
Aruba The Aruba Support Contact is just the email-id of the support contact
Table 337:
Add Session Parameters
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