Deployment Guide

To work with configuration profiles, go to Onboard > Configuration Profiles > Profiles. The Configure Profiles
list view opens.
All configuration profiles that have been created are included in the list. You can click a profile's row in the list for
additional options:
l To view details for a configuration profile, click its Show Details link.The form expands to show the profile's
name and description, and the applications, Exchange ActiveSync settings, network settings, passcode policy, and
VPN settings that will be provisioned to devices using it.
l To edit any of a configuration profile's attributes, click its Edit link. The Profile form opens, where you can edit
any of the profile's attributes.
l To create a copy of a profile to use as a basis for a new profile, click its Duplicate link. The Profile form opens
with all attributes prepopulated and a number appended to the profile's name. You can rename the new profile,
and edit any of its attributes.
l If a configuration profile is not currently being used, a Delete option is also available for it. This option is not
available for configuration profiles that are currently used for device provisioning.
l To see if the configuration profile is currently used, click its Show Usage link. The form expands to show a list of
device provisioning configuration sets that use the profile.
l To create a new profile, click the Create new configuration profile link in the upper right corner. The Profile
form opens.
For information on creating, editing, or duplicating a configuration profile, see "Creating and Editing Configuration
Profiles" on page 111.
Creating and Editing Configuration Profiles
To create or edit a configuration profile:
1. Go to Onboard > Configuration Profiles > Profiles, then click the Create new configuration profile link or
click the Edit or Duplicate link for a profile in the list. The Configuration Profile form opens.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.1 | Deployment Guide Onboard | 111