Deployment Guide

Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.1 | Deployment Guide About this Guide | 17
Chapter 1
About this Guide
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest provides a simple and personalized user interface through which operational
staff can quickly and securely manager visitor network access.
This deployment guide is intended for system administrators and people who are installing and configuring Dell
Networking W-ClearPass Guest as their visitor management solution. It describes the installation and configuration
The following conventions are used throughout this guide to emphasize important concepts:
Type Style Description
This style is used to emphasize important terms and to mark the titles of books.
System items
This fixed-width font depicts the following:
l Sample screen output
l System prompts
l Filenames, software devices, and specific commands when mentioned in the text
In the command examples, this bold font depicts text that you must type exactly as shown.
In the command examples, italicized text within angle brackets represents items that you should
replace with information appropriate to your specific situation. For example:
# send <text message>
In this example, you would type “send” at the system prompt exactly as shown, followed by the text of
the message you wish to send. Do not type the angle brackets.
Command examples enclosed in brackets are optional. Do not type the brackets.
{Item A |
Item B}
In the command examples, items within curled braces and separated by a vertical bar represent the
available choices. Enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or bars.
Table 1:
Typographical Conventions