Deployment Guide

200 | Configuration Dell Networking W- ClearPassGuest 6.1 | Deployment Guide
The self-service portal is accessed through a separate link that must be published to guests. The page name for the
portal is derived from the registration page name by appending _portal.
When the self-service portal is enabled, a Go To Portal link is displayed on the list of guest self-registration pages,
and may be used to determine the URL that guests should use to access the portal.
The portal offers guests the ability to log in with their account details, view their account details, or change their
password. Additionally, the Reset Password link provides a method allowing guests to recover a forgotten account
To adjust the user interface, use the override check boxes to display additional fields on the form. These fields allow
you to customize all text and HTML displayed to users of the self-service portal.
The behavioral properties of the self-service portal are described below:
l The Enable self-service portal check box must be selected for guests to be able to access the portal. Access to
the portal when it is disabled results in a disabled message being displayed; this message may be customized
using the Disabled Message field.
l The Disabled Users” check box controls whether a user account that has been disabled is allowed to log in to
the portal.
l The Change Password” check box controls whether guests are permitted to change their account password using
the portal.
l The Reset Password check box controls whether guests are permitted to reset a forgotten account password
using the portal. If this check box is enabled, the Required Field” may be used to select a field value that the
guest must match in order to confirm the password reset request.
If the Auto login by IP address” option is selected, a guest accessing the self-service portal will be automatically
logged in if their client IP address matches the IP address of an active RADIUS accounting session (that is, the
guest’s HTTP client address is the same as the RADIUS Framed-IP-Address attribute for an active session).
The Password Generation drop-down list controls what kind of password reset method is used in the portal. The
default option is Passwords will be randomly generated”, but the alternative option Manually enter passwords may
be selected to enable guests to select their own password through the portal.