Deployment Guide

264 | Administration Dell Networking W- ClearPass Guest 6.1 | Deployment Guide
3. In the SMS Gateway field, if you choose Custom HTTP Handler from the drop-down list, you may specify the
HTTP method to use. The form expands to include options for configuring that gateway type, and the Service
Method row includes the GET and POST options.
4. If you selected the POST option in the SMS Gateway field, the HTTP Headers and HTTP Post rows are added.
You can use the text fields in these rows to override HTTP headers and enter the text to post.
5. If you selected the SMS over SMTP option in the SMS Gateway field, most of the fields on this form are
removed and the Service Settings area includes the Display Name, Carrier Selection, and Debug fields.
a. Enter the gateway’s name in the Display Name field.
b. In the Carrier Selection drop-down list, choose how the carrier will be determined. You may choose:
l Registration form will have the visitor_carrier field—If you choose this option, the visitor must enter
their carrier on the registration form. The visitor_carrier field may be customized; the default is a drop-
down list.
l Select a carrier—If you choose this option, the form includes the Mobile Carrier field, where you specify
the carrier to use.
l Configure carrier settings If you choose this option, the form includes the SMS Address, Address
Template, Number Format, and Subject Line fields. For information on completing these fields, see
"Editing an SMS Gateway" on page 265.
When you save your entries for the SMS over SMTP option, a new screen, Mobile Carriers, is added to the left
navigation. For more information, see "Working with the Mobile Carriers List" on page 268.
6. In the Service Username and Service Password fields, you may enter your authorization username and password
for your SMS service provider.
If you are using ClearPass Guest SMS Service and have entered your ClearPass subscription ID in the Software
Updates page of ClearPass Policy Manager’s Administration module, leave these fields blank. The subscription ID
is automatically used as the username and password for the ClearPass SMS Service.