Deployment Guide

The NAS performs authentication and authorization for the guest in ClearPass Guest. Once authorized, the guest is
then able to access the network.
See "Customizing Self-Provisioned Access" on page 185 for details on creating and managing self-registration pages.
Using Standard Guest Management Features
This section describes:
l How to create a single guest account and a guest account receipt
l How to create multiple guest accounts and multiple guest account receipts
l How to create a single password for multiple accounts
l How to list and edit single and multiple guest accounts
To customize guest self-registration, please see Configuration on page 145.
Creating a Guest Account
To create a new account, go to Guest > Create Account, or click the Create New Guest Account command link on
the Guest Manager page. The New Visitor Account form opens.
NOTE: The New Visitor Account form (create_user) can be customized by adding new fields, or modifying or removing the existing
fields. See "Customizing Self-Provisioned Access" on page 185 for details about the customization process. The default settings for
this form are described below.
To complete the form, first enter the visitor’s details into the Sponsor’s Name, Visitor Name, Company Name and
Email Address fields. The visitor’s email address will become their username to log into the network.
You can specify the account activation and expiration times. The visitor account cannot be used before the
activation time, or after the expiration time.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.1 | Deployment Guide W-ClearPassGuest Manager | 33