Deployment Guide

$options may be specified to control additional parsing options described in the table below.
Function Description
fs The field separator character (default is comma “,”)
rs The record separator character (default is newline “\n”)
quo The quote character (default is double quote ")
If true, recognize ="..." syntax as well as "..." (default true)
dos_compatible If true, convert \r\n line endings to \n (default true)
encoding If set, specifies the input character set to convert from (default not set)
If set, specifies the desired character set to convert to using the iconv() function .
(default is "UTF-8//TRANSLIT")
max_records maximum number of records to return
max_fields maximum number of fields per record
skip_records number of records to skip at start of input
skip_fields number of fields to skip at start of each record
post-processing option; order string for NwaCreateUsortFunc to sort the records by the specified
slice_offset post-processing option: starting offset of slice to return; see array_slice() function
slice_length post-processing option: length of slice to return; see array_slice() function
Table 37:
Parsing Options
See "NwaParseCsv" on page 358 and "NwaVLookup" on page 360.
Parses a string as an XML document and returns the corresponding document structure as an associative array.
Returns an array containing the following elements:
l error set if there was a problem parsing the XML
l message describes the parse error
Otherwise, the return is an array with these elements:
l name name of the document element
l attributes attributes of the document element
l children array containing any child elements
l content element content text
NwaPasswordByComplexity($len, $mode = false)
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.1 | Deployment Guide Reference | 359