Users Guide

Copyright © 2012 Aruba Networks, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Aruba Networks, its product and program names and design marks are trademarks of
Aruba Networks, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.
3.0 Assigning User Roles to the TACACS+ Service
This next step allows you to define which roles are provided Admin privileges per your new
TACACS+ Service.
Configuration Steps
Use the Role Mapping
Policy to select or
modify a role for the
Service (See Figure 1
for examples)
Click Next
4.0 Mapping User Roles to an Enforcement Policy
This next step allows you to map an Enforcement Policy for the roles that you previously
Configuration Steps
Select the Enforcement
Policy you wish to use
from the drop down (See
Figure 1 for examples)
Click Next