Users Guide

166 | Authentication and Authorization Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 |ī˜ƒUser Guide
Figure 118: Generic SQL DBī˜ƒ(Attributes Tab)
Table 71:
Generic SQL DB Attributes Tab (Filter List)
Tab Parameter/Description
Filter Name / Attribute Name /
Alias Name / Enabled As
Listing column descriptions:
l Filter Name: Name of the filter.
l Attribute Name: Name of the SQL DB attributes defined for this
l Alias Name: For each attribute name selected for the filter, you
can specify an alias name.
NOTE: Enabled As: Indicates whether the filter is enabled as a role
or attribute type. This can also be blank.
Add More Filters Brings up the filter creation popup. Refer to "Add More Filters" on
page 166.
Add More Filters
The Configure Filter popup defines a filter query and the related attributes to be fetched from the SQL DB store.
Figure 119: Generic SQL DB Filter Configure Popup
Table 72:
Generic SQL DBī˜ƒConfigure Filter Popup
Parameter Description
Filter Name Name of the filter.
Filter Query A SQL query to fetch the attributes from the user or device record in DB.