Users Guide

374 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 |User Guide
Parameter Description
Select Server: Specify the server for which to configure messaging. All nodes in the cluster
appear in the drop-down list.
Use the same settings for sending
both emails and SMSes:
Check this box to configure the same settings for both your SMTP and SMS
email servers. This box is checked, by default.
Server name: Fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server.
Username/password: If your email server requires authentication for sending email messages,
enter the credentials here.
Default from address: All emails sent out will have this from address in the message.
Use SSL: Use secure SSL connection for communications with the server.
Port: This is TCP the port number that the SNMP server listens on.
Connection timeout: Timeout for connection to the server (in seconds).
Table 234:
Messaging Setup MTPServers tab Parameters
Figure 381: Messaging Setup Mobile Service Providers tab
Parameter Description
Add: Add a mobile service provider
Provider Name: Name of the provider
Mail Address: Domain name of the provider
Table 235:
Messaging Setup Mobile Service Providers tab Parameters