Users Guide

132 | Authentication and Authorization Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 |User Guide
After Policy Manager successfully authenticates the user or device against an authentication source, it retrieves role
mapping attributes from each of the authorization sources configured for that authentication source. It also, optionally,
can retrieve attributes from authorization sources configured for the Service.
The flow of control for authentication takes these components in sequence:
Figure 85: Authentication and Authorization Flow of Control
Configuring Authentication Components
The following summarizes the methods for configuring authentication:
For an existing Service, you can add or modify an authentication method or source by opening the Service
(Configuration > Services, then select), then opening the Authentication tab.
For a new Service, the Policy Manager wizard automatically opens the Authentication tab for configuration.
Outside of the context of a particular service, you can open an authentication method or source: Configuration >
Authentication > Methods or Configuration > Authentication > Sources.