Users Guide

Parameter Description
Caches EAP-TTLS sessions on Policy Manager for reuse if the user/client
reconnects to Policy Manager within the session timeout interval.
Session Timeout How long (in hours) to retain cached EAP-TTLS sessions.
Table 57:
EAP-TTLS General Tab (Continued)
Inner Methods Tab
The Inner Methods tab controls the inner authentication methods for the EAP-TTLS method:
Figure 101: EAP_TTLS Inner Methods Tab
Select any method available from the drop-down list. Additional functions available in this tab include:
l To append an inner method to the displayed list, select it from the drop-down list, then click Add. The list can
contain multiple inner methods, which Policy Manager will send in priority order until negotiation succeeds.
l To remove an inner method from the displayed list, select the method and click Remove.
l To set an inner method as the default (the method tried first), select it and click Default.
The MAC-AUTH method contains one tab: General. This tab labels the method and defines session details.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 | User Guide Authentication and Authorization | 149