Users Guide

Enter Management Port Subnet Mask:
Enter Management Port Gateway:
Enter Data Port IP Address:
Enter Data Port Subnet Mask:
Enter Data Port Gateway:
Enter Primary DNS:
Enter Secondary DNS:
4. Change your password
Use any string with a minimum of six characters:
New Password:************
Confirm Password: ************
From now, you must use this password for cluster administration and management of the appliance.
5. Change the system date/time
Do you want to configure system date time information [y|n]: y
Please select the date time configuration options.
1) Set date time manually
2) Set date time by configuring NTP servers
Enter the option or press any key to quit: 2
Enter Primary NTP Server:
Enter Secondary NTP Server:
Do you want to configure the timezone? [y|n]: y
After the timezone information is entered, you are prompted to confirm the selection.
6. Commit or restart the configuration
Follow the prompts:
Proceed with the configuration [y[Y]/n[N]/q[Q]
y[Y] to continue
n[N] to start over again
q[Q] to quit
Enter the choice:Y
Successfully configured Policy Manager appliance
* Initial configuration is complete.
* Use the new login password to login to the CLI.
* Exiting the CLI session in 2 minutes. Press any key to exit now.
When the Policy Manager system is up and running, navigate to the Administration > Agents and Software Updates
> Software Updates page to view and download any available software updates. Refer to "Updating the Policy
Manager Software " on page 419 for more information.
Powering Off the System
Perform the following steps to power off the system gracefully without logging in:
Connect to the CLI from the serial console using the front serial port and enter the following:
login: poweroff
password: poweroff
This procedure gracefully shuts down the appliance.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 | User Guide Powering Up and Configuring Policy Manager Hardware | 25