Users Guide

336 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.3 |ī˜ƒUser Guide
Parameter Description
Controller name
In some deployments (especially if there are multiple domain controllers, or if
the domain name has been wrongly entered in the last step), the domain
controller FQDN returned by the DNS query can be different from what was
entered. In this case, you may:
l Use specified Domain Controller - Continue to use the domain controller
name that you entered.
l Use Domain Controller returned by DNS query - Use the domain controller
name returned by the DNS query.
l Fail on conflict - Abort the Join Domain operation.
Use default
domain admin
Check this box to use the
user name to join the domain
Username User ID of the domain administrator account. This field is disabled if the Use
default domain admin user checkbox is selected.
Password Password of the domain administrator account.
Table 201:
Join AD Domain Parameters (Continued)
Add Password Server
After CPPMī˜ƒis successfully joined to an AD domain, you can configure a restricted list of domain controllers to be
used for MSCHAP authentication. If not configured, then all available domain controllers obtained from DNS will be
Perform the following steps to add a password server.
1. In the AD Domains section of the System tab, click the Add Password Server icon.ī˜ƒ(See Figure 331.)
Figure 331: Add Password Server icon
2. The Configure ADī˜ƒPassword Servers page appears. Specify the domain name, NetBIOS Name, and the Password
Servers. The password servers can be in the format of hostname or IP address. Use a new line for each entry.
3. Click Save when you are finished.