Users Guide

Analysis and Trending
The Analysis and Trending Page displays monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, daily, or 12-hourly, 6-hourly, 3-hourly or
hourly quantity of requests for the subset of components included in the selected filters. The data can be aggregated by
minute, hour, day or week. The list at the end of this topic shows the per-filter count for the aggregated data.
Each bar corresponding to each filter in the bar graph is clickable. Click the bar drills down into the "Access Tracker"
on page 35, showing session data for that time slice (and for that many requests).
For a line graph, click the circle corresponding to each plotted point in the graph to drill down into Access Tracker.
Figure 22: Analysis and Trending
To add filters, refer to "Data Filters" on page 67.
l Select Server - Select a node from the cluster for which data is to be displayed.
l Update Now! - Click to update the display with the latest available data.
l Customize This! - Click to customize the display by adding filters (up to a maximum of 4 filters).
l Toggle Chart Type - Click to toggle chart display between line and bar type.
l Add new Data Filter - Click to add a data filter in the global filter list.
Endpoint Profiler
If the Profile license is enabled, a list of the profiled endpoints will be visible in the Endpoints Profiler table. The list
of endpoints you see is based on the Category, OS Family, and Device Name items that you selected.
Click Change Selection to modify the selection criteria used to list the devices.
Click Change View to see graphs that show information about distribution and update frequency for devices and
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