Users Guide

156 | Onboard Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide
If you are duplicating a calendar subscription setting, the original name has "Copy" appended to it. You may
highlight this name and replace it with a new name.
3. In the Description field, you can briefly describe the characteristics of the calendar subscription settings.
4. In the Account Description field, you can enter the display name for the calendar subscription.
5. In the Server field, enter the URL of the calendar file.
6. To enable secure socket layer communication with the server, mark the check box in the Use SSL row.
7. In the Account Settings area, choose an option from the Account Details drop-down list to indicate how
user account information should be supplied. Options available in the list include:
l User provided - entered by user on device
l Provisioning - values acquired during device provisioning
l Shared preset values - testing only
8. If Shared preset values - testing only is selected in the Account Details drop-down list, the Username
and Password fields are added to the form. Enter the username and password to be used for the
subscribed calendar. The minimum password length is six characters.
9. Click Save Changes. The calendar settings are available as a configuration unit on the Configuration Profile
For more information about configuration profiles, see "Configuration Profiles" on page 165
Configuring an iOS Device VPN Connection
Use VPN configuration profiles when you have deployed a VPN infrastructure and want to automatically
provide the secure connection settings to users at the time of device provisioning. You can automatically
configure virtual private network (VPN) settings on iOS and OS X 10.7+ devices. VPN settings you define can be
used in configuration profiles for an iOS device. You can define multiple VPN settings.
VPN configuration profiles are only supported by iOSand OS X 10.7+ (Lion or later) devices; they will be
ignored by all other device types.
For information on configuring VPN connections, see:
l "Configuring an iOS Device VIA Connection " on page 156
l "Configuring an iOS Device L2TP, PPTP, or IPSec Connection " on page 158
Configuring an iOS Device VIA Connection
DellVIA is a remote access solution that provides secure connections for Enterprise networks. VIA detects the
user’s network environment (trusted and un-trusted) and automatically connects the user to their enterprise
To configure the Dell VIA solution on an iOS device:
1. Go to Onboard > Configuration > iOS Settings. Either click a VPN setting's name in the list; or click Add
New, select VPN Settings in the Settings Type drop-down list, and click Create. The VPN Settings form