Users Guide

5. Remove extraneous data from the User Account HTML field. Example text is shown below.
<table {$table_class_content}>
<th class="nwaTop" colspan="3">Access Details</th>
<td class="nwaBody" rowspan="99" valign="top"><img src="images/icon-user48.png"
width="48" height="48" border="0" alt=""></td>
<th class="nwaLeft">Access Code</th>
<td class="nwaBody" style="width:12em">{$u.username|htmlspecialchars}</td>
{if $u.create_result.error}
<th class="nwaLeft">Error</th>
<td class="nwaBody"><span class="nwaError">{$u.create_result.message}</span></td>
6. Click Save Changes to save your settings.
7. To preview the new template, select the template in the Guest Manager Print Templates list, then click
Preview. The template is displayed. The template created by the example text given above would look like
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Configuration | 203