Users Guide

Field Description
Custom Form Indicates you will provide a custom login form. If selected, you must supply your own HTML login
form for the header or footer HTML areas.
Custom Labels Enables altering the default labels and error messages.
Label that appears on the form for the username field. Leave blank to use the default,
Label that appears on the form for the password field. Leave blank to use the default
The username and password will be checked locally before proceeding to the NAS
authentication. Do not select this option if an external authentication server is used.
Pre-Auth Error Customized label text to display if username and password lookup fails. Leave blank to use the
default (Invalid username or password).
Allows the user to log in with only a username. The Password field will not be displayed. Only
accounts with the Username Authentication flag set can log in.
Prevent CNA Enables bypassing the Apple Captive Network Assistant (CNA). The CNA is the pop-up browser
shown when joining a network that has a captive portal. This option might not work with all
vendors; it is dependent on how the captive portal is implemented.
Terms Requires the user mark a check box to accept a Terms and Conditions agreement.
Terms Label Label that appears on the form for the terms check box. Leave blank to use the default (Terms:).
Terms Text Enter the HTML code containing your terms and conditions. Leave blank to use the default, (I
accept the <a href="{nwa_global name=guest_account_terms_of_use_url}" target="_
blank">terms of use</a>)
Table 36: The Customize Guest Self-Registration Form, Login Form and Post-Authentication
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Configuration | 255